Compease Training

Compease Training Schedule

Compease offers free, public training monthly to Administrative Users. Users are welcome to sign up as many times as needed. Select a title below to register.

Structured Compensation Training:

This comprehensive session is designed to train Administrative users on the most widely used Compease modules, features, and functions. This training does not cover the Merit or the Data Bridge portion of the program. This is a great introduction for new Administrators. 

Merit Increase Planning:

This training session is designed to refresh current Compease users with the tools and processes used to develop merit increase plans and budgets using a model.

Advanced Analytics:  

Must have Advanced Analytics Set Up to Attend.

This training session is designed to provide training on the Advanced Analytics tool for Compease Company Admins. Advanced Analytics is a reporting tool that will allow you to access your data more quickly, but with greater flexibility and better visualizations. Advanced Analytics will also provide you with the tools to gather business intelligence using the large amount of data you’ve collected over time.