Compease Release Notes

Compease Release Notes March 22, 2022


This release of Compease and Compease Starter impacts several areas of the application. Highlights include:

What’s New?

  • Several changes related to the Unit Admin role
  • Merit – Upline Supervisors Viewing/Editing Employee Table
  • Merit – Custom Field added in Merit Planning & MC Bonus Planning
  • Merit – Employee Changes Visible to Unit Admins
  • Merit – Bonus Effective Date Added to MC Bonus Assumptions Report
  • Merit – New Functionality added to Employee Pay Change Notification
  • Merit – Last Increase Amount in Merit Model will update Last Increase Amount field in Employee Maintenance
  • Hide or Show Merit Matrix on Base Salary Statement
  • Drag & Drop Functionality to Bridge/Import Configuration Fields
  • Individual Name Columns on Employee Master Report-CSV
  • Supervisor Role no Longer Able to Access Archive (Integrated sites only)
  • Archived Employee Menu Unhidden for Admin Role
  • Ability to Assign Admin Access Through the Data Bridge

Unit Admin Changes

Archived Jobs Menu Item Hidden from Unit Admin Roles

When a user is logged in as any of the unit Admin roles (Department, Division, Location, Custom) and they click “Job Master” from the main menu, the “Archived Jobs” menu item will now be hidden.


*This applies to Compease Standalone and Integrated.

Adding Employees as a Unit Admin Limited to Assigned Unit

When a user is logged in as any of the unit Admin roles (Department, Division, Location, Custom) and they select Employee Master > Employee Maintenance then the “Add” button, (or Manage Data > Employee Data in Compease Starter) the unit they are assigned to will automatically populate in the unit field. They will not be able to add users to any unit they themselves are not assigned to.1266 starter

*This applies to Compease Standalone and Starter.

Editing Employees as a Unit Admin

When a user is logged in as any of the unit Admin roles (Department, Division, Location, Custom) and they select Employee Master > Employee Maintenance, (or Manage Data > Employee Data in Compease Starter), they will be able to edit any of the employee data fields for employees within their unit. If they move an employee to a different unit, they themselves are not assigned to, it will remove that employee from the Unit Admin’s list of employees in Structured Compensation and all Structured Compensation reports.


*This applies to Compease Integrated, Standalone and Starter.

Viewing Archived Employees as a Unit Admin

When a user is logged in as any of the unit Admin roles (Department, Division, Location, Custom) and they select Employee Master > Archived Employee, they will be able to see all archived employees in their unit in read-only format. No edits can be made.


 *This applies to Compease Standalone and Starter. 

User Information and Edit User Tabs as a Unit Admin

When a user is logged in as any of the unit Admin roles (Department, Division, Location, Custom) and they select User Security > User Information, they will be able to see the “User Information” tab and the “Edit User” tab for employees in their unit.

From the “User Information” tab, they will be able to unblock, reset passwords, edit, and archive users in their unit.

*This applies to Compease Integrated, Standalone and Starter.

Job Reports as a Unit Admin

When a user is logged in as any of the unit Admin roles (Department, Division, Location, Custom) and they click the “Job Reports” menu, they will see be able to see Job Description, Job Evaluation, FLSA Basis, Compensable Factors, and Job Notes reports. Reports will populate with data pertaining only to job titles in the Unit Admin’s assigned Unit. An exception to this is the Compensable Factors report which will display all company job titles.


*This applies to Compease Integrated and Standalone.

Archived Employee Menu Unhidden for Admin Role

The Company Admin role is now able to access the Employee Master > Archived Employee Maintenance menu. This menu is not viewable for the Supervisor role.


*This applies to Compease Integrated.

Unit Admins to View All Aspects of Job Maintenance

When a user is logged in as any of the unit Admin roles (Department, Division, Location, Custom) and they select Job Master > Job Maintenance, they now have read-only access to all aspects of the Job Maintenance screen for jobs in their assigned unit. This includes Job Evaluation, Essential Functions, Performance Measurements, Knowledge & Skills, FLSA, and Notes.


*This applies to Compease Integrated and Standalone.

Unit Admins to View Compa Ratio Report

When a user is logged in as any of the unit Admin roles (Department, Division, Location, Custom) and they select the Employee Reports menu, they now have read-only access to the Compa Ratio report for employees in their unit.


*This applies to Compease Starter.

Changes Related to Merit

Upline Supervisors Viewing Employee Table

When Downline View is on and an employee has no assigned Supervisor or the assigned Supervisor does not have access to the selected plan, the upline Supervisor has rights to edit the employee in the selected plan. This applies to Merit, Bonus, and Multi-Criteria Bonus. Access is granted once the downline Supervisor marks “Finish.” Only at that time will the upline Supervisor be able to edit the % and $ columns for the selected plan. Comments will always be open for all who have access to the model.

*This applies to Compease Integrated, Standalone and Starter.

Custom Field in Merit Planning and MC Bonus Planning

The “Custom” field company unit has been added to the Merit Planning > Employee Model > Add/Delete/Revise screen and the MC Bonus Planning > Employee Model > Add/Delete/Revise screen. This field is a dropdown field that will display current options from Company Master and copy over the assigned Custom Field from the Employee Master (or Employee Data) screen.


*This applies to Compease Integrated, Standalone and Starter.

Merit Planning Employee Changes Visible to Unit Admins

If an employee record is updated on the Merit Planning > Employee Model > Add/Delete/Revise screen, the Unit Admin will now be able to see those changes on the View table and Merit reports.

*This applies to Compease Integrated, Standalone and Starter.

Bonus Effective Date Added to MC Bonus Assumptions Report

The bonus Effective Date from the Assumptions screen is now added to the MC Bonus Assumptions report. It will appear on the report view, print, and exports.

*This applies to Compease Integrated, Standalone and Starter.

Merit Increase Planning Employee Pay Change Notification

New functionality has been added to the Merit Increase Planning > Reports >Employee Pay Change Notification > Salary/Hourly Rate Effective field. When it is selected, two new options appear. If “Apply Effective Date from Assumptions” is selected, it will add the effective date of increases from the Assumptions screen. If “Add Effective Date” is selected, a blank date field will allow the user to enter a date that will automatically save.

*This applies to Compease Integrated, Standalone and Starter.

Merit Increase Planning Update Last Increase Amount

This change only applies to Merit Plans (not bonus/merit or MC Bonus plans.)   The Last Increase Amount from the merit model will update to Employee Master > Employee Maintenance > Last Increase Amount field. The field will only display merit $, not lump sum amounts. If merit is split between a merit increase amount and a lump sum, only the merit increase amount will display.


*This applies to Compease Integrated, Standalone and Starter.

Miscellaneous Changes

Hide or Show Merit Matrix on Base Salary Statement

A check box has been added to the Employee Base Salary Statement > Customize page which allows the user to hide or show the merit matrix on Base Salary Statements. By default, the box will be unchecked which allows the matrix to be visible.


*This applies to Compease Integrated, Standalone and Starter.

Drag and Drop Functionality Added to Bridge/Import Configuration Fields

Previously a user had to use the up and down arrows to re-order the fields. With this release, users can choose to click on a field title and drag and drop it to the desired location.


*This applies to Compease Standalone and Starter.

Employee Master Report by Employee - CSV Export

Previously, when exporting the “Employee Master Report by Employee” report to CSV, the employee’s name was one column. With this release, when exporting to CSV, there will also be individual columns for Employee First Name, Employee Middle Initial/Name, and Employee Last Name.

employee master report

*This applies to Compease Integrated, Standalone and Starter.

Supervisor Role no Longer Able to Access Archive

The Supervisor role can no longer access the Employee Master > Archived Employee Maintenance menu or the Employee Reports > Archived Employee Reports.


*This applies to Compease Integrated.

Archived Employee Menu Unhidden for Admin Role

The Company Admin role is now able to access the Employee Master > Archived Employee Maintenance menu. This menu is not viewable for the Supervisor role.

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*This applies to Compease Integrated.

Ability to Assign Admin Access through the Data Bridge

An optional field, CE Admin Access, has been added to all three versions of the bridge (Full, Partial, and MC Bonus) to allow Admin access assignments through the Data Bridge. This functionality can be used to update an existing employee record (Full/Partial/MC Bonus) and/or assign access at the time a new employee is added (Full bridge only.)


*This applies Compease Standalone and Starter.