Performance Pro - Admin User - New Interface
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  2. Performance Pro - Admin User - New Interface

Performance Pro-Changing an Employee's Position or Appraiser-New Interface

When an employee's manager or position changes, this article walks through how to make those changes in Performance Pro.


  • Changing an appraiser or position (job title) could result in scores and comments being removed if an appraisal is in process. Ensure appraisals have been marked Complete before making changes. 
  • If the employees' position does not appear in the position dropdown list, it must be created.
  • Users must be designated as an appraiser before they will appear in any appraiser listing.
  • See articles related to creating positions and designating appraisers for more information. 

To Change an Employee's Position

Employee Data.

From the All Employees dropdown, select the employee.

From the Position dropdown, select the new position.

Click Save.


Changing an employee's assigned position will change the competencies populating their appraisal. The competencies that will display in the appraisal will be those assigned to the position from the Position Configuration screen.

To Change an Employee's Appraiser

Click Employee Data.

From the All Employees dropdown, select the employee.

In the Appraiser field, select the new appraiser. If you wish to remove an appraiser and leave the field blank, choose None from the list.

From the confirm message that appears, click the desired option.

NOTE: Changing Appraiser Options

  • Cancel: You will be returned to the Employee Data screen without making any changes to the appraiser.
  • Remove: The previous appraiser will be removed and any scores or comments they have entered in the current/open appraisal will also be removed. The new appraiser will see a blank appraisal.
  • If, at a later time during this appraisal cycle, you change the appraiser back to the one you removed, you will restore their scores/comments.
  • Restore: Click "restore" if you are changing the appraiser back to a previous appraiser. If you choose Restore, scores and comments made by the previous appraiser within the current appraisal cycle will be restored. If you choose this option when you are not assigning a previous appraiser, the appraiser you are assigning will not have any scores or comments to restore and the appraisal will be blank.
  • Copy: Any scores and comments already made by the appraiser you are removing will be copied to the new appraiser. The new appraiser can keep, modify, or delete these as they wish.

Click Save.