System Setup

Bypass an E-Signature (Allow Not Required Setting)

In certain instances where a user will not be able to e-sign a document, “Allow Not Required” can be used to clear the e-signature request.

The “Allow Not Required” setting allows the Administrative User to bypass required signatures, in the case that the required signer is not available to sign. It is activated from System Setup > Company Settings > Appraisal Settings in the E-Signature area. Click the box and then "Save."

With this setting on, an Admin can go into any appraisal (or form) from the employee's Performance History screen, scroll to the bottom of the document and click the "E-Signature not required" link beside the user who isn't going to sign. This will clear the e-signature email notifications on this item.

This link is only visible to Admins, so the setting can be left on, or turned off and on as needed.

Note: If the link is accidentally clicked, the only way to remove it is to uncomplete the review. Un-completing a review will clear any existing signatures and will require the user(s) to sign the review again.