Manager Training - Advanced

Managers - Building and Managing Appraisals

We'll describe the various elements that can be part of creating and organizing goals to help make your appraisal process easier, especially when you are performing appraisals for several employees.

Action Steps

Action Steps are effective ways to break down a larger goal into manageable elements.  While a goal may be a large and important idea or concept for the organization, Action Steps are a place to put executable tasks or quarterly goals as part of the overall goal.   Adding an Action Step is pretty simple.   action step

Below the goal section, click the Action Steps + and enter the name, description and due date.   The bell icon is a way to create an email alert or calendar item, so the employee keeps this on their radar.  Next, click Save and continue adding as many Action Steps as you need.  When it comes time to perform the appraisal, you may score individual Action Steps (depending on your company settings) as well as the associated goal.   

Goal Notes

Using Goals Notes is a very effective way to track and document progress through the year specific to each goal. Notes can be added by you or the employee to document goal progress.  When you add a note, you can choose whether to share the note with the employee or not.  If shared is selected, it will appear for that employee on their screen in Performance Pro.   Goal notes do not appear on the final appraisal document.  goal note complete-2

Goal Progress

The “progress” tool gives you, as the manager, and for the employee, a way to show the status of a goal.  The progress of the goal is shown on the final appraisal document.   goal progress

Goal Weights

The goals for an employee are weighted and the total weight needs to equal 100%.  You cannot complete an employee’s appraisal if the goals do not add up to 100%.  goal weights

Compare Scores

This is a tool that allows the appraiser to compare scores with other employees who have that same competency.   The comparison can only occur with employees that report to that icon compare

Language Check

This is a tool that checks for potentially offensive or discriminatory language written by the appraiser or employee.  As an example, if the appraiser writes, “He’s doing quite well for an old guy,” the word “old” would be flagged when this tool is run.   When clicked, the Language Check tool checks verbiage only on the page the appraiser or manager is on.language

Comment Coaching

This is a great tool to assist you in writing review your comments.  This tool provides professional, constructive feedback suggestions for appraisers. comment coach

Check-In Date

Adding a date in the “Check-In Date” field associated with a goal will set a reminder for the employee and the manager for that check-in meeting.   On the employee’s and manager’s dashboard, the “Check-Ins” widget will appear and list dates of all check-ins.   Amanda: does this prompt an email to the EE or the manager? check in date

check in widget

Ad Hoc Alert

The bell icon on the Employee Goal Tools page allows the manager to set a reminder about that goal.  Clicking that icon will open up an interface to create a one-time or reoccurring email reminder and/or a one-time or reoccurring calendar event. ad hoc

  ad hoc2

Admin a Goal

"Admin" a goal is a great time-saving tool when you need to assign the same goal to multiple employees.  Here are the steps: admin

  • Once you click “Admin,” select the Appraisal Period to apply the goal. 
  • If applicable, copy the Action Steps.   
  • Next, you can choose to copy the goal to specific employees.  
  • Click Select and then Save and you are done. 

Copy from Current to Future

To copy a goal from the list of current goals to the list of future goals, just click the copy icon and then click the “Future Goals” tab to see it listed.   copy
