This article describes the process of routing the appraisal for approval and the process taken by routing recipients.
Routing is the process in Performance Pro where a manager forwards the merged appraisal for approval. Common examples of routing paths are:
- Manager to his/her manager (upline 2)
- Manager to his/her manager (upline 2), then to HR
- Manager to his/her manager (upline 2), then to HR/CEO
From the Merge & Route screen of the appraisal, scroll to the bottom and click Route.
The appraisal will be sent for approval to the person(s) listed in the Route Setup table.
Once routed, the Route Setup table changes to a Route Progress table. The status of the appraisal will show as “waiting.” No edits/changes can be made to the appraisal until the routing process is complete.
When an item is routed, the routing recipient will receive the following email with instructions:
The routing recipient will see the routed item from the Appraisals & Forms tile, under the Current Appraisals & Forms section. Routed items will display a Waiting for Approval status.
The routing recipient can click Open to view the contents of the appraisal.
If routing notes are allowed in your system, an Add Note link will be visible. The routing recipient can click Add Note to add comments relating to the appraisal or communicate any necessary information to the appraiser.
Routing notes are ALWAYS CONFIDENTIAL. They are never shared with the employee and can only be seen by the employee's appraiser(s), uplines or admins.
Routing notes can only be added prior to choosing a routing response.
Once saved, the Add Note icon will be filled in blue to indicate there was a note added.
Once the routing recipient has reviewed the document and added any notes, they will need to choose a routing response from the Select Status dropdown.
Select a response.
Click Save Status.
Once the approval status has been saved, the document will leave the screen and move to the next person in the routing path (if using auto-route) and there is another recipient. If there are no more recipients, it will return to the manager.
When the item has been responded to by all routing recipients, the manager will receive an email detailing the routing recipient response(s) and any routing notes that were added:
The manager can then proceed with the employee meeting and mark the appraisal as Complete.