
Annualizing Courses

Prepare courses for re-assignment in the upcoming year.

Annualization is the process of preparing courses (typically Compliance courses) for reassignment the next year. This refers to any courses that you need employees to take on an annual basis.

We highly recommend waiting until after January 1 to reschedule or reassign these courses as that is when the year update occurs for annualization within TLC. 

  • To get started, go to the Admin Menu, and select Library


A list of all active courses on the site will populate. Courses have most likely been annualized for the previous year, so the course name will show with the year at the beginning as a prefix or end of the course name as a suffix. For example, COM121: Diversity and Inclusion 2024. 

  • Next, decide what courses to annualize. This can be done individually by course or with a group of courses. 


  • Select the Multi-Duplicate icon and the Duplicate Multiple Courses screen will open in a new window. Using Multi-Duplicate will create a new instance of the course, and exam if applicable, for the upcoming year and differentiate between the course taken last year and  the new version. 

It is mandatory to always use the Multi-Duplicate icon to create any new versions of a course instead of Duplicate. 

Complete the steps below to annualize your course(s). 

  • Where should the date year be shown - beginning or end of the course name? The suffix is automatically selected and will show a preview as a Sample Course.
  • The Options allow the ability to automatically inactivate the original version so that there is no confusion on which version needs to be completed if they were assigned both. The exam should be duplicated and marked inactivate, to create a new version of the exam for reporting purposes. 
  • Should the exam associated with the course be annualized as well? It is highly recommended to annualize the exam as well.
  • The bottom box will show all available active courses. Select all of the courses to be annualized and shift these over to the right-side box using the arrows. 
  • Click Update

Multi Duplicate

The screen will shift back to the Course Library. If you search for the year that was applied during annualization, the new versions will populate in the course listing.

Check the "Incl. Inactive" checkbox to view any inactive versions of the course that were used previously.