Employee Maintenance

Adding or Editing Employee Transcripts

Adding or Editing Employee Transcripts Help for Administrators. Managing Employee Information.

  • Select Employees from the Admin menu.

  • Select an employee record.

  • Click Documents on the toolbar. The Documents screen appears.

  • To add a new transcript record, click New on the toolbar, or to edit an existing transcript record, select the record, then click Edit.

  • The Documents screen appears:

Complete or edit the following fields:

  • Qualification – The name of the specific qualification that you are documenting.

  • Institution – The educational institution the qualification was obtained from.

  • Certification – Any credential or certification that was obtained.

  • Date – The date on which the credential was obtained.

  • Expiry – The date on which the credential expires, if applicable.

  • File Upload – If required, you can upload an external document, such as a certificate of completion.

  • Click Update to save.

To view any documents you uploaded, select the appropriate transcript record, then click View.