
Adding or Editing a Course

Adding or Editing a Course Help for Administrators. Add and maintain courses and exams.

 To create a new course, or edit an existing course, you must use Mentor Pro, TLC's content authoring system.

Add a training course or edit the information for a course:

  • Select Library from the Admin menu. The list of existing courses appears.

  • To add a new course, click New on the toolbar.

  • To edit the information for an existing course, select the course, then click Edit.

The New or Edit Course screen appears:

Complete or edit the following fields:

  • Course Title – Enter a name for the course.

  • Course Description – Enter a summary of the course.

  • CBT URL – Enter the website address where the course is located.

  • Type, Category – Select the course type and category.

  • Enter the Hours to Complete Course.

  • Cost Per Student – If applicable, enter the budget assigned for each student to take the course.

  • Credits – If the course provides credits as part of a larger program, such as a multi-course accreditation program, enter the number of credits assigned to the course.

  • Active – Select the checkbox to make the course available to employees through their Training Plan.

  • Employees can Self Register – Select this checkbox if employees are able to register for the course themselves. If the employee needs to request permission to register, leave the checkbox blank.

  • Exam Associated with this Course – If an exam is associated with the course, select it from the dropdown box. If the exam does not yet exist, associate the course when you add the exam.

  • Knowledge Acquired by Taking This Course – To use the competencies function in TLC, select the applicable knowledge competencies from the Available Knowledge pane, and move them to the Assigned Knowledge pane.

  • Mark Course Complete Upon Launch – Select this checkbox to mark external courses (such as webinars) as completed when launched by an employee.

Click Update to save.

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