Employee Maintenance

Adding, Editing, or Viewing an Employee Profile

Adding, Editing, or Viewing an Employee Profile Help for Administrators. Managing Employee Information.

Add a new learner profile for an employee or edit an existing one:

  • Select Employees from the Admin menu.

  • To add a new employee, click New.

  • To edit an existing employee’s profile, select the record, then click Edit.

  • The New Employee or Edit Employee screen appears.

Complete or edit the following fields. (*) are mandatory fields.

  • Employee#* – This is a unique identifier for each employee. Enter the employee’s identification (ID) number, some organizations use the employee’s email address.

  • First Name* – Enter the employee’s first name.

  • Last Name* – Enter the employee’s last name.

  • Middle Name - Enter the employee's middle name or initial.
  • Email – Enter the employee’s email address. Note: All employees should be assigned an email address as this is the address that will be used if the employee forgets their password.

  • Manager – Select the name of the employee’s manager.

  • Date Hired – Specify the date that the employee was hired.

  • Terminated – Specify the date that the employee’s employment was terminated.

  • Branch* – Select the employee’s location.

  • Position* – Select the employee’s position.

  • Password – You can enter a specific password for the employee, or to enable them to create their own password, enter the letters ‘tlc’. The first time the employee logs into TLC, they will be prompted to create a new password.

  • Admin – Select this checkbox to grant the employee administrator permissions for TLC.

  • Instructor -Select this checkbox if the employee will conduct training courses for other employees.

  • Training Budget, Training Hours – If your organization tracks the training budget and/or hours allocated per employee, enter the dollar amount and number of training hours allocated for this employee for the current calendar year.

  • Category – Select the employee’s employment type (e.g., Full-Time, Part-Time, Temporary, etc.).

  • Code – Select the code that corresponds to the employee’s status (i.e., A-Active, T-Terminated, or LOA-Leave of Absence).

  • Notes – Enter any training-related personnel notes for the employee. These notes will not be visible to the employee, or anyone who does not have Administrator permissions for that employee.

If your organization uses Groups, move one or more groups from the Available Groups pane to the Group Memberships pane, which adds the employee to the group(s).

If the employee is a manager, select the Direct Reports tab, and move the names of those employees who report to this manager from the Employees pane to the Direct Reports pane. Note: Doing this does not grant the manager permission to view training records for those employees.

  • Click Update to create the new employee profile, or to save your changes.

View an Employee Profile

  • Select Employees from the Admin menu.

  • If necessary, use the Search or Filter functions to locate the team member to view.

  • Once you locate the employee, click Profile on the toolbar.

  • The employee’s TLC learner screen appears.