Performance Pro - Manager Training - New Interface
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Performance Pro-Adding a Note to a Routed Item (Appraisal or Form)-New Interface

How to add a routing note for the appraiser, giving them additional instruction, guidance, and/or feedback.



If the Allow Routing Notes setting is enabled, prior to assigning a routing response, you may add a note for the appraiser giving them additional instruction, guidance, and/or feedback separate from the document. 

To add a routing note, click Appraisals & Forms.


From the card, click Add Note.

add note-1

Enter the desired information.

new note

Click Save.

Once a Note is added, the note icon will turn blue. 

added note-1


Routing notes are always confidential. They are never shared with the employee and can only be seen by the employee's appraiser(s), uplines or admins.